
About TravaCalm

Proudly Australian-owned since 2001 – we understand how debilitating motion sickness can be.

About Motion Sickness

Proudly Australian owned since 2001, we understand how debilitating motion sickness can be.

Motion sickness occurs when the body’s sensory systems detect conflicting information regarding motion – travelling by any mode of transport. Your body can tell that you’re moving, but your eyes tell a different story.

Whether you’re taking a short trip or extended getaway, by boat, plane, or car, you want to be able to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. But no matter how well travelled you are, motion sickness can turn an exciting journey into an unpleasant chore.

Anyone can suffer from motion sickness, but being prepared and taking preventative measures like TravaCalm can put you in control, give you peace of mind and provide comfort when you travel.

We understand motion sickness and we are here to help

As Australia’s #1 motion sickness brand*, we understand how debilitating motion sickness can be. With a range of options including TravaCalm Original, TravaCalm H.O. Chewable, TravaCalm Ginger and the TravaCalm Travel Band, there is an effective and easy option for anyone who suffers from the lingering discomfort of motion sickness.

Whether you have suffered from travel sickness before, you’re concerned about an upcoming journey or are experiencing the onset of symptoms, TravaCalm is the brand you can rely on.


Motion sickness – also known as travel sickness, airsickness, carsickness or seasickness – is the result of conflicting messages being sent to your brain. For example, if you are on a boat, the inner ears send messages to the brain telling it that the body is moving, but the eyes send messages saying that the body is stationary. Also the reverse can occur, for example when in a car or a train, the eyes send messages saying that you are moving, but because you are sitting still the ears are sending an opposing messages. This conflicting information may cause unpleasant motion sickness symptoms as the body struggles to find its usual sense of balance.


It is generally easier to prevent motion sickness than it is to treat motion sickness symptoms after they have started. If you have already started vomiting, it will be much harder to keep oral medication down – let alone give it time to be absorbed. The TravaCalm product range includes products which can prevent the onset of motion sickness symptoms, allowing you to start enjoying your getaway from the moment you set out (and not hours after you arrive).


Nausea, Vomiting, Dizziness, Fatigue, Cold sweats, Headache, Increased salivation


Here are some preventative measures you can try:

  • During motion, look at the horizon or a distant, stationary object
  • Sit in the front seat of the car during car rides and keep your eyes on the road as if you were driving
  • Sit in the centre of a ship or the front edge of the wing on a plane, where there is the least amount of motion
  • Take a turn driving – you are less likely to get motion sickness when you are driving
  • Try closing your eyes to eliminate sensory confusion
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before travelling and during the trip
  • Make sure you have plenty of fresh air
  • Always face the direction of travel
  • If travelling on a bus or train, sit in a forward facing seat
  • Avoid reading or looking at a screen.


Motion sickness occurs when your senses send you conflicting messages. Whether you’re in a car, on a boat, or in a plane during turbulence, your body can tell that you’re moving, but your eyes tell a different story.

The inner ears, which are responsible for your balance, send messages to the brain telling it that the body is physically moving, meanwhile the eyes send messages that the body is stationary. This conflicting information may cause unpleasant motion sickness symptoms.

There are many preventative measures you can take to avoid motion sickness, including:

  • During motion, look at the horizon or a distant, stationary object
  • Sit in the front seat of the car during car rides and keep your eyes on the road as if you were driving
  • Sit in the centre of a ship or the front edge of the wing on a plane, where there is the least amount of motion
  • Take a turn driving – you are less likely to get motion sickness when you are driving
  • Try closing your eyes to eliminate sensory confusion
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before travelling and during the trip
  • Make sure you have plenty of fresh air
  • Always face the direction of travel
  • If travelling on a bus or train, sit in a forward facing seat
  • Avoid reading or looking at a screen
  • Take a motion sickness medication before you start your journey, like a TravaCalm product

Take the first dose 30 minutes before departure to prevent motion sickness.

If you suffer from motion sickness, or think that you might experience motion sickness, it’s best to take TravaCalm Original or another TravaCalm product prior to travel, as it is generally more effective to prevent motion sickness before it starts. If you wait until you start feeling sick, you may lose the contents of your stomach – including your TravaCalm Original – before it has a chance to work.